Indie Alternative folk singer-songwriter Riley Pearce got his experience performing live while busking in his native Perth in Australia. He grew up watching his Dad perform with bands on stage and decided to pick up the guitar. When he turned 17 he started playing out on the streets. This came naturally to him and knew he wanted to be a musician.
His music has a calm to it and quickly puts you at ease. Lyrically his words move you and send you to the corners of your mind. The way this artist records his music is basically being one with the
sounds that are around you. You may hear in the background the sounds of nature of just him walking on his wood floors. This is authentic and the sounds have you feel like you are at home.
He made his recording debut in 2016 with the EP, Outside The Lines and love the single by the same name. So simple and acoustic which sounds so intimate. He has released several EPs since then and will release his debut album, The Water and The Rough on June 10th. Listen to the song Furniture and its great storyline. He just released his single from that album, Keep Moving with its great melodies and a song that just makes you smile. Riley Pearce is on tour and we hope he comes to the states for some shows. Check out this ethereal singer-songwriter/guitarist and support independent music and musicians worldwide. Happy listening!
Keep Moving
