Singer/songwriter Poppy Ajudha is the latest artist to exemplify the fluid boundaries between genres. She was surrounded by music as a child, in large part thanks to her father -- owner of the Paradise Club in London. Hearing music from a variety of genres has informed her own musical journey as she seamlessly creates a jazzy form of neo-soul.
She doesn’t shy away from politics in her songs, writing about feminism and race, yet she also finds inspiration from the great wellspring of emotions, love. Rapidly making a name for herself with two releases in 2018 (the EPs Patience and Femme), her collaboration with Tom Misch earned her one particularly interesting fan. As he does at the end of each year, Barack Obama listed his favorite books, movies and songs of the year. One of these was the Misch/Ajudha track ‘Disco Yes.” With prominent fans like this, it’s a good bet we’ll be hearing a lot more about Ajudha in the years to come.
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