In searching for new Jazz artists I stumbled upon this talented jazz violinist. Johanna Burnheart is one of the first undergraduate jazz violinist at the Guildhall School of Music in London, England. The school is known as one of the few European conservatories that offer degrees in jazz violin. Originally from Frankfurt, Germany, her music is a mix of electronic club music, jazz to avant-garde and beyond. She started playing the piano at age 5 and violin when she was 7. She has music in blood, her grandmother is an organist and her mother plays the flute, accordion, and organ and is also a music teacher. Johanna Burnheart not only plays the violin but also sings and composes for a triple threat.
Last year she made her debut with her EP, Burnheart, and has received accolades for her combination of techno jazz and modal Jazz for a new audience. Modal jazz is jazz that instead of relying on one tonal center across one-piece, uses musical modes that modulate to accompany chords. The first jazz album that made an impact on her was Abdullah Ibrahim's "Reflections" although she says she didn't truly come to appreciate it till later in life. Johnna plays a mostly acoustic violin because she feels electric violins are limited in what she can play and do with them. Check out this super talented violinist/singer/composer and support independent music and musicians worldwide. Happy listening!
